SpaceX's Crew Dragon Demo-2, A long leap of a mankind.

SpaceX's Crew Dragon Demo-2

A long leap of a mankind.

The date May 30, 2020 is going to remember in history of Space tourism. Yes it’s still sounds weird when hear about Space Tour, but this science fiction is going to become a reality very soon. At this moment humans on the earth are struggling for their survival at the same time space is opening its door to welcome.

.                        Figure-1 Crew Dragon                                     .           Figure-2 Crew Dragon with Falcon-9

You might be wondering what so exiting about SpaceX is sending two NASA’s astronauts to the International Space Station. But it is not only that, when the Crew Dragon Demo-2 will successfully complete a round trip to ISS, it will get a license for SpaceX for a commercial Space Flights from NASA. It will eventually give the boost to the dream of living on the Mars and a round trip to the Moon.

According to the agreement with NASA, SpaceX can carry tourists in the dragon crew vehicle along with astronauts of other companies. Space Adventures a space tourism company has signed agreement with Elon Musk’s SpaceX to make tour under Orbital Spaceflight of four people in earth’s orbit with Crew Dragon powered by Falcon-9 rocket for five days. However Space Adventures have earlier arranged trip to the ISS for seven wealthier people with Russian Soyuz Spacecraft, which cost each millions of dollar. 

For the instant success of Crew Dragon Demo-2 is more importance and need of NASA as they are first time launching astronauts to ISS after suspension of Space Shuttle in 2011. Meanwhile they were hiring space vehicle from the Russia a Soyuz Spacecraft which costs around $70 - $80 million per seat.  Last Space Shuttle left off on the July 8, 2011 from Kennedy Space Center. The reason behind the suspension of shuttle was higher cost of maintaining the old shuttle. So the US govt. and NASA decided to outsource the ISS transport and launched Commercial Crew Program. To develop efficient space carrier companies they gave contracts to SpaceX and Boeing. Both companies are now in the race to develop most efficient, safe and advance space vehicle.

Marching ahead of Boeing, SpaceX’s cargo version of Dragon is already ferrying to ISS for NASA. After getting approval, Dragon will be the first private vehicle to go to space. Being reusable, Dragon and falcon-9 will reduce cost of a space ferry significantly. So many people can enjoy the extraordinary travel in future. Success of Crew Dragon Demo-2 will be mile stone for SpaceX’s dream of tourism to the space, Moon and Mars with starship. Going ahead of Crew Dragon Starship will open doors for lots of opportunity including but not limited to interplanetary transport, cost effective satellite launch, carry huge cargo load to setup new lab to carry out research experiment in space which are not possible on earth, bring that innovations back to earth. SpaceX also planning long distance intercity transport on earth, which will reduce the travel time to 30 - 40 minute from many hours. Being fully reusable it will work as airliner and fly multiple times a day and thousands of time in lifetime.

Now it is more common dream to go to the moon and explore the universe.


Figure-3 Starship


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